The Marriage Service Technicians are here to support and strengthen marriages and families with prayer and words of encouragement. These 15-minute calls take place Sundays at 8:00AM and Thursdays at 7:00 AM EST. Subscribe and log in to our Member’s Only Page for valuable, free resources and the dial in phone number to join us

The Marriage Service Technicians
Biblical Counseling Testimonials
Andrea is like the scene in Princess Bride. She’s the dread pirate Roberts, saving the princess
in the fire swamp, diving headfirst into the quicksand holding on to a vine and pulling her out
after she has slipped all the way in. That’s how I feel, I slipped in the quicksand, and she
would hold on to the vine (God) and pull me out.
- Counseling Client
I want to take a moment to thank you. [My wife] has been much more at peace since starting
counseling, and our relationship has flourished as well. She seems much happier, and that
means everything to me. Thank you and Cliff for being such a blessing to both of us.
- Husband of Counseling Client
You bring Clarity amongst the mental chaos. I feel a sense of peace after we speak because I feel like I've been heard by God, too. It has been very different sharing with you my life story than other counselors I have talked to, but not with you. I’ve been getting healthier each session.
- Counseling Client
I sometimes feel that I am out of sorts with God. Like somehow despite my best efforts, I missed the grade on the test. When we speak, you illustrate the many ways that He is demonstrating to me the opposite. Wholly loved, loved into holiness. (Sounds like a great T-shirt!)
- Counseling Client
The Marriage Service Technicians have helped my marriage heal from past hurts and break generational curses; through prayer and seeing past the surface bruises. They have truly blessed us; I don’t think we would be married today had their prayers and their marriage guidance not been available to us. MST have a genuine desire to see all marriages healthy and happy. They really live what they teach others.
- Couple’s Counseling Clients
Trauma Healing Group Testimonial
I did not realize how much past hurts were simply buried inside me and were left undealt, until I wrote down a list of past painful events going back to childhood. It was a time of reckoning. I could leave them buried or face them and give them to the Lord. The exercise of nailing our hurts to the cross was helpful for me to release them to God and to free me from bondage so that I could become and embody the identity Christ has for me that I have yet to completely see and am becoming. I am on the journey to become more spiritually and emotionally mature so that I am fit for the Kingdom and for God’s use.
- Men’s Healing Group Participant
Marriage & Family Prayer Call Testimonials
Hi! I wanted to mention that your prayer this morning was so timely! God knew exactly what I
needed to hear and He spoke through you regarding mistakes. I had such a difficult week
struggling with mistakes I made as a parent that were brought to my attention. I had wanted to
reach out for prayer but I didn't have the mental energy to go into detail about what was going
on. However, God heard my cry and gave me the word I needed to hear from Him through your
prayers this morning.
- Prayer Call Participant
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Beautiful and anointed prayers! Truly encouraging and blessed!
- Prayer Call Participant
Mentoring Testimonials
Cliff and Andrea have taken my wife and me under their wings as a support couple. They have been like guardian angels to us, and much of our success as a thriving couple is directly linked to their advice and Biblical guidance. They have proven to us time and time again that regardless of what the problem is, there is always an answer in the Bible. My wife and I are happier than ever, stronger in the faith both individually and as a couple, and working our way through some very tough problems involving my step children. Once again Cliff and Andrea have been there for us to provide support and guidance through Biblical and practical guidance along with much needed prayer support. You will not regret attending one of their workshops, in person or online. They are definitely the real deal.
- Mentee and Workshop Attendee
Can I just give God praise and give a praise report right here and now!!!!! I thank God for you and Cliff...I thank God for His perfect timing and for knowing what we need when we need it.... Long story were right...I really needed to see things through fresh eyes, I really needed to be reminded to focus on the good and put it in writing. Ever since I started the list and really focusing on it, I have seen a much so, he literally said to me on Saturday morning while we were in the car, "Alright...what's going on...why you really love me all of a sudden?"; HAAAAA!!!!! I was cracking up inside, but then after I thought about it, I was a little standoffish must I've been lately for him to really notice the difference....but I
must say, our communication and interactions have been much better, our affection has been
authentic, and my mood has been better. The issue hasn't changed, but how I look at it has, and that makes a big difference. I think this start of us being in a better place overall will eventually help with that, or at least help me to not see it as being so important. Also, just getting it off of my chest allowed me to breathe as well; something I never realized was so important. Thanks for helping me time I'll call you sooner LOL!!!!
- Mentee
Workshop Attendees' Takeaways
…One of the many insights shared at the workshop that has caused me to pause and reconsider [my ways] was: "Even when I am right in my assessment; even when he is just plain wrong; even when your spouse has made serious mistakes - still give honor to his [God-given] position as head of the family."
- Workshop Attendee
"Perhaps one of the most revealing sessions was Unpacking the Junk From Your Trunk. While Min. Cliff was praying, the Holy Spirit was bringing to my awareness those things that needed to be purged [from my life]. I was still writing as he prayed."
- Workshop Attendee
"Thank you for your marriage workshop! It was well put together, and the topics were very
relevant. I appreciate your transparency in the personal things you shared. One thing that
stuck out above all others was discovering what things were most important to my wife, versus
what I thought was most important to her. This has helped me to understand who she is, and
how she ticks, and how to best meet her needs. Please keep me on your mailing list so I can tell my friends to attend your future workshops."
- Workshop Attendee
Humorous Story from Workshop Attendee
& Pre-marital Counseling Client
I thoroughly enjoyed the training presented by Ministers Cliff and Andrea Riley. Although all of their insight and workshop topics were right on point, there is one topic that stands out in particular about what they taught...the differences between men and women! This session entitled Nuts and Bolts discussed how women are generally multitaskers, focusing on many things at once, and doing it well, while men need to focus on one thing at a time, and devote their energies on that task at hand. This is useful to both genders given what they do during their daily routines, and it does not place one gender above the other.
Even though I HEARD this both times they presented it to my husband and I (during our premarital counseling and again in the workshop) it didn't take full effect until I saw the practical application of it one morning. We are supposed to wake up at 6:00 a.m. each morning to be out of the house by 7:15 so that we can drop the kids off at their schools, and both make it to work by 9:00. Well, this particular morning, we WOKE UP at 7:00, so of course, my mind went into hustle mode, and it was time for everyone to do their part to get us out of the house on time. After my husband got dressed, I asked him to help our son get moving, he's six and can be a little slow, while I got ready and got my daughter on the ball. When my daughter and I are ready, I look in my son's room to see how they are making out, and see my husband sitting on the bed watching my son button his shirt....No shoes on, no socks on, nothing!!! I immediately went into panic mode, wondering what was he thinking...we have to GO!!! I said to my husband, "Why aren't you putting his socks and shoes on his feet, while he is sitting there buttoning his shirt, in my mind, they both can be done at the same time, as well as putting lotion on his face AND brushing his hair." My husband's response was, "He's buttoning his shirt".
I am dumbfounded at this point, and I proceed to go in and MULTITASK! Then I had to thank God for Cliff and Andrea, and their words of wisdom, because had not those words replayed in my mind at that very moment, I would have been calling my husband all sorts of lazy so-and-so's and would have been mad at him for the rest of the day for making us late. At the end of the day, we did end up being a little late, but at least I didn't have an attitude with him about it. I still gave him a kiss as he got out of the car at work, and I meant it, because I understood that he is wired to focus on one task at a time, and I am wired to multitask, and both personalities are needed at different times, and in God's grand scheme, it all works!!! So thank you Cliff and Andrea for imparting that knowledge on me, and although he doesn't know it, I am sure my husband thanks you also, because he didn't have to deal with an angry wife that day!
- Mentee